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Relevant International Missions provides the opportunity for people all over the United States to come and be part of the transformational experiece of living out the great commission and sharing the gospel of Christ with people who so desperatly need it. We encourage you to be part of the team who connects the gospel of Christ with the hungry souls of the Dominican Republic through our many different outreach programs.  

General Information

We would love to host your group for a mission trip! We can plan a trip taylored to your group's interests and talents. By having four different sites and various ministries like our childrens, sports, music, construction, and prayer and witnessing walks, no two groups will ever have the same life changing experience. All our groups will also have the chance to site see and visit our beautiful beaches. We want everyone to have the opportunity to experience and witness Dominican Republic's full beauty.


We are currently accepting groups up to 18 members. The cost of your trip can vary but is currently at $700 per person for a 7-10 day mission trip. Cost does not include airfair but does include transportation, food, room and board, and mission supplies. For more information please explore the resources provided on this page. Feel free to contact us if you have additional questions and/or desire to begin working to plan your trip. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What should I bring?


  • ​Comfortable working clothes (that you do not mind getting dirty)        

  • work shoes or gym shoes

  • bug spray, sun block, toiletries

  • bed sheets, blankets, & pillow

  • appropriate church attire

  • bibles

  • camera to take pictures

What should I NOT bring?

Do not bring anything that you would not want to get lost, for example laptops, tablets, PSP, and other electronic devices. 

Do we need to bring tools or supplies? 


The cost of the trip does include tools and supplies; however, some items and materials are more readily available in the states than in the Dominican Republic. Depending on the nature of your trip and the type of work you will be doing, bringing supplies with you might be required. Your total trip cost will be adjusted if this is your case.


Does Relevant International Missions provide transportation?​


Yes! We provided transporation to and from...​


  1. the airport

  2. work sites 

  3. tourist/site seeing areas


Where will we be staying?


You will be staying at our site in La Yaguita in the school/church complex. Here is where you will live and eat during your trip to the Dominican Republic. Groups will stay in cleared out classrooms and will have two bathrooms and showers. We provide mattresses but you must provide your own sheets and pillows.


Do I need to know Spanish?


Don't know spanish? No problem! We provide translators to all the groups that come and visit on a mission trip.

Type of Trip

Once you and your group decide to work with us on a mission trip, you need to decide what kind of trip you'd like to participate in. Look below to read about the various ministries you can participate in while in the DR. We will have resources up soon that will include promotional posters and fundraising ideas you can use to promote your trip and raise funds at your church and other places.


Organize, lead, and play different sport activities with locals in La Llaguita or any other one of our sites. Show the love of God through fellowship and testimony.


Lead children services and teach the word of God through songs, games, lessons, and/or crafts.


Help to build, update, or fix places of learning or worship for the local community to enjoy, grow, and fellowship together long after you return home.

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Worship Services

Create, organize, and lead worship services and bible studies at our work sites and at people's homes. Share God's love and word through songs, studies, and testimony to the people of the Dominican.

Prayer/Witnessing Walks

Walk around and visit the homes of church members and others who need your prayers. Listen to and share stories of struggles and praise. Pray with and for locals as well as share your testimonies.


Have a group of many talents and interests? Choose 2 or 3 of our possible ministries and we can taylor a unique experience just for you!

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Useful Documents

Coming Soon!


Victor Carreon

Chicago, IL


I believe there comes a point in time when we are called to leave our element of comfort. Being comfortable can be an enemy. In 2012 I was first called to leave that sense of comfort. As a new believer, it was easy for me to slowly grow in my newfound faith. Letting go of some harmful relationships with people, falling in to the word of God and excitement for bible study was a work in process for me. It was all to be done at MY pace. When learning how to swim, there is nothing a book can teach you that will show you how to survive when tossed in to the ocean.


My experience with my first mission trip with the ministry was much like being tossed in to an ocean as I was barely learning how to swim. I was a new believer and didn’t know much but I knew the Love of God and I wanted to serve. My experiences with the Deleon Ministry has been every bit rewarding. I have learned that being a believer is more than reading the bible. We are called to something greater. Working with the Deleon Ministry was a calling from God. I have been blessed to serve with them on their mission twice already. The Dominican Republic has become almost like a second home and the Deleons are like family.


It was in my first trip that I decided to commit my life to the Lord and was baptized in the Dominican Republic. I have yet to experience the warmth and love from total strangers in my life like I have in the Dominican Republic. God is working through this wonderful organization to help touch the lives of the people of the Dominican Republic. Since my first trip with the ministry, I have now served on two trips with the ministry and am now volunteering my efforts to help with a project to fulfill sponsorship to all the students at their school in La Yaguita. I thank God every chance I get for the opportunity of being a part of this ministry.

Chris Fowler

Indianapolis, IN

"Jesus we’re living for your name, we’ll never be ashamed of you". Those are the words from a popular worship song that Kingsway’s teen missions team sang (in both English and Spanish) last week in the Dominican Republic. Our students lived out those words beautifully as they grew, served, loved on and came alongside the ministry of the De Leon family. Our group of 18 jumped right in with the De Leons to serve with and learn from one another.


The De Leons are four brothers who each serve in ministry using their specific gifts for the Kingdom. Juan Jr. is an artist and preacher. Jeremias is a talented musician and leads worship at multiple churches. Jonas focuses on sports outreach to young students. And Eliezer preaches at a bilingual church in the suburbs of Chicago and heavily supports the work of his brothers. Both Mi Ledi (mom) and Juan Sr. (dad) are heavily involved in the ministry as well.


We worked with a small Christian Church in the mountain village of Tinajita. Our team installed a stained-glass window and sanded and painted the entire building. Sports outreach was another great opportunity for our team. We reached out to kids and students with Jonas playing basketball, sharing testimonies, leading worship and talking about Christ. We also led Vacation Bible School at six locations. Each VBS was an adventure as the settings were everything from inner-city Santiago, to the mountain terrain of Tinajita, to a front yard in the slums. The diverse settings and wide variety of ages of the children and students involved made each element of the VBS (crafts, Bible stories, recreation and worship) very interesting. We had to adjust and readjust on the fly.


“Take, take, take it all!”

Those are the final words of that worship song we enjoyed singing so much. I’m proud of the team. They gave well of themselves.

Melissa Rivera

Chicago, IL

In the bible, it says rejoice in the lord always, not to just rejoice when things are going well or when we have everything we need, but to rejoice when we're hungry and when we're tired or in uncomfortable situations. This week we did a lot of things we are not used to doing and we had to help with the construction of a church and we had to carry buckets of sand and water and although it was extremely hot and it was hard work we were still extremely happy and I remembered to rejoice in the lord because I knew we were doing his work and that it was benefiting the people of the village. And we had a good time working together, it has brought us closer together as a group.

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